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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Settling up--822 That One stickers sold, $619 in commissions. Again, I rounded my donation up, to take care of near-future sales, and because I figure they need the money now more than later. I only wish I could design a for-profit item that would get this much attention!


Why worry about for-profit items? Your guy will take any profit you make and redistribute it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:30 AM  

All your profit are belong to OBAMA!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:33 AM  

"Your guy will take any profit you make and redistribute it."

You say that like it's a bad thing.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:49 PM  

" Your guy will take any profit you make and redistribute it."

He's not "Your guy"... he's "That One"!

By Blogger eviltiff, at 11:12 AM  

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