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Monday, June 22, 2009
Busy couple of days…

Wednesday, had the usual dinner with the LittleMissMoonpie.
Thursday, we went to a fundraiser at The Pug on H Street. Pretty cool place, with a good mix of folks, from cops to Hill types (plus free cheesy poofs!). Afterwards, we explored the new H Street Country Club. Really great place—excellent, trippy décor, good drinks, and fabulous food. Highly recommend the place.
Friday, we hit Artomatic for a belly-dance/drag king show. Not many places, especially in DC, where one can see a woman dressed as Jesus lip-synching to Johnny Cash’s version of “Hurt.”
Saturday, dropped in at little Debbie’s one-year open house and caught up with friends. Saturday night, Artomatic again for a Metafilter meetup.
Sunday, my second Father’s Day outing, this time to the always-fabulous Bombay Bistro, then to Frying Pan Farm Park.

Whew. Maybe we’ll stay home a few days.


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